T's learning journey
With the support from her trusted tutors and access to a diverse curriculum offer, T re-engaged with learning and gained a place at college in line with their next step goals

Our student T had been out of school for 2 years before joining SENse Learning, due to a range of medical and mental health needs that meant school was no longer accessible for them.
Over 2 years with SENse, T built their stamina and confidence in learning again by setting small goals with their tutor to work towards. Over time these achievements showed them that they could accomplish their targets as long as they could go at a steady pace and take breaks as needed.
Since they started with SENse Learning they have completed their Functional Skill English and Maths qualifications at Level 1 and then moved on to complete their Level 2s. They have completed ASDAN Life Skills Certificates in various areas of interest such as Media, and made incredible progress on our WILL Curriculum, across all areas (Wellbeing, Interaction, Life Skills, Learning).
This academic and personal growth has allowed T to re-engage with learning and the wider world. They have now been given a place at College to move onto as their next step, where they will do some further qualifications related to their career goals in media.
T has achieved all this and more, whilst managing emotional, personal and medical difficulties during this time. Their incredible progress is a testament to their hard work and determination, and their excellent relationships with their mentor and teachers.