SENse Learning FAQs
When you’re considering if you’re the right person for a job, it’s also good to know if that job is the right one for you. We want you to have access to good clear information. This is how we aim to build the high-quality professional relationships that underpin our organisation.

How many hours am I likely to have/work?
The amount of hours varies in different locations and is also dependent on your skillset and available matches. We do take on board your ideal working pattern and do our best to accommodate this over time. Each young person (under 18) has between 4-15 hours per week. You may be offered the whole of a young person’s timetable or just some of it, sharing with another associate.
How long does it take to match an associate and a student?
We pride ourselves on making excellent matches between our associates and students. The matches we make are based on a variety of criteria such as location, experience and personality type. Due to this, the process of starting to work with a SENse student can take some time. We do appreciate this can be frustrating so please be patient with us while we look to find the right student match for you. We will aim to match you with someone within three months, or get back in touch to check if you still wish to remain on our books.
Can you help me set up being self-employed?
When you join SENse Learning you are taken on as an associate, which means you are an independent contractor (self-employed), working on our behalf, not as an employee. If you’re newly self-employed, we do provide some basic information. The HMRC website is also really clear with step-by-step guidance on how to register as a sole trader.
Can I turn down contracts that don’t work for me?
Yes. One of the major perks of being self-employed is that you are free to choose, or turn down, any work offered with no negative consequence or impact on future offerings.
How far will I have to travel?
The average distance we ask our associates to travel is between 30-45 minutes as we cover entire counties. Being self-employed you can choose how far you want to travel, though we have found any less than this can impact on your likelihood of getting matched swiftly.
Can I claim any mileage?
Yes, as a self employed contractor you can claim all your work milage at 45p per mile (up to 10,000) at the end of the tax year, but as we don't think it's fair to have to wait that long, we have our own remuneration package of 45p per mile after the first 30 miles commute, that you can claim in the same month, as well as 45p per mile for any travel you do with a student in your vehicle.
Do I need insurance?
SENse Learning has insurance which covers you from a liability perspective. However you will need business insurance on your vehicle as you’ll be travelling between young people’s homes and transporting them in your car.
Do I pay for resources?
We provide associates with a cash card for resources linked to a student’s programme. This can be used on anything purchased to help the young people achieve their targets, meaning you should never be out of pocket for the session resources.
Is continued professional development (CPD) available to me as an associate?
YES! We have a wealth of training available via webinars and pre-recorded materials. We also have three inset days a year focussing on various aspects which affect our students. We pay a set rate for most CPD you undertake with us.
Are there any roles that are not self employed?
Yes, we do have a head office and from time to time there are available employed roles within the various departments. See our live jobs page for head office roles.
Still not sure?
Hear from some of our Associates about why they love working for SENse!

Fancy working with us?
We are passionate about creating personalised education that makes SENse. And we love hearing from others who share this passion. If that’s you, follow the link below to find out how to apply to work with us.